Affirmative Action

So called affirmative actions -- attempts by the government to end racism -- seal the tint and bind the epidermis to the intellect. What can they say in the interview but, "I am here because my skin's pigment has carried me this far"? If you want to wash away the color from African American accomplishments, then remove their unnecessary advantages. Are blacks inferior? Then why give them a boost? Also, why limit the scope of affirmative actions to African Americans? The underlying assumption is that they are inherently different from those who don't "need" affirmative action. But who is not different than everyone else? Race is only one distinguishing factor among many. Deep inside, each man is divided from other men by religion, nationality, race, age, personality, and a host of other inherent differences. Why should we treat color like the singular, most important difference? If the government starts handing out education privileges to blacks, why shouldn't they extend their offer to Buddhists, Canadians, retirees, and schizophrenics? What makes race such a more important difference than these insomuch that all features shrink back in the light of color? We now assume that women have the same potential as men. Why should we think that blacks need special help? Is it right to let melanin become so prominent?