
Mankind is always looking for new ways to be lazy. And we work so hard to find them! For what is technology but reduction of work? Inventions have one purpose: to make life easier. We get tired of hard work and hire a machine to do it for us. In primordial days men moved dirt with their hands. They sweated and knew the value of hard work. Lack of technology stood guard against laziness. Then some enlightened caveman hellbent for comfort invented the shovel, and man could move dirt on an unthinkable scale. Today we have improved this form of slacking by letting a metal bulldozer do our work. Eventually humans will do no work at all. We'll just sit back and let computers run the world.

But technology does not have to promote laziness. Now that machines handle many of the tasks that once occupied our time (like washing the clothes), we are free to do other things. The problem comes when we squander our new time entertaining ourselves. Instead of harnessing the daylight for education or improvement, we drain our minds into xbox or TV. And it's awesome! (Sorry, little slip there back into the ways of teenage boydom).

Back in the day people weren't lazy because they didn't have time to be lazy. Every minute was spent building the chicken coop or harvesting crops or learning at school. But by now man has shoved the first two jobs onto technology and freed time for other activities. Since gravity pulls towards laziness, people spend the extra minutes getting fat and being comfy. But what will humans do in the future? Eventually robots will replace us in the workforce. Mankind will eliminate all labor. But with robots doing our work, what will there be for us to do -- think? It is what we're best at.