What a Party

Whenever I disagree with someone, it's so much fun to slap a label on their ideas. After all, that's how we got political parties.

"Hey I don't like what you're saying! You must be liberal!" It's a cheap excuse for not knowing how to combat their argument.

"Oh, he's liberal."
"Why won't you vote for him?"
"Um, he's liberal."
And here we are: The words "liberal" and "conservative" don't mean anything. People invented them to make themselves feel right. Give me an actual reason to disagree with him. "Wow, I don't like what he's saying and I don't know why. I'll give him a name and it will stand for everything I disagree with. Then I won't need a reason to think! I can just argue because of our labels!"

"Republican" and "Democrat" have no significance either. All people disagree with each other. Everyone's brain is a snowflake; no two are alike. If you want to make parties you have to do it per person. This is the John McCain party, this is the Barack Obama party, this is the Michael Jordan party, this is the Hillary Clinton party. You can't mash them together and expect unity. Everyone thinks differently. There are millions of different animals, not just elephants and donkeys.

Why did we split ourselves into left and right? Because people like to argue with each other and they needed a reason. To be fair we should cut the groups up into east and west and give each of them a northern and southern hemisphere.

A lesson from Dr. Seuss's Sneetches.

Now, the Star-Belly Sneetches
Now the liberal people

Had bellies with stars.
Wore blue on their coats

The Plain-Belly Sneetches
And the conservative people

Had none upon thars.
Wore red . . .

I'm quite happy to say
I'm quite happy to say

That the Sneetches got really quite smart on that day,
That the people got really quite smart on that day,

The day they decided that Sneetches are Sneetches
The day they decided that people are people

And no kind of Sneetch is the best on the beaches.
And no kind of person is always right

That day, all the Sneetches forgot about stars
That day, all of the people forgot about their parties

And whether they had one, or not, upon thars.
And started evaluated ideas based on truth.