Image counts for something. Popularity is pertinent.
People finally need a president they can relate to, not some distant figure dictating out of touch. Instead of some guy in Washington telling us what's good for us, America will learn from a leader who listens to the people. America needs to get what it wants. And when the dust settles, people will look back and ask, "Were we right to pick him?" If an unpopular man becomes president, people will blame Wahington for every problem. If a popular man goes in, the people will learn that they are not infallible.
We need a leader -- a leader people admire.
Passion counts for something. Obamaniacs, with their bumper stickers and T-shirts, are so passionate. Obama has revived politics as something that everyone can engage in -- something we can have fun with. We need a president who excites passion, who will be leader and friend.
I want the president to win by a landslide on November. We need a president that America really wants. I'm tired of all the complaining about a distant president. Just give the people what they want. If it takes a less-than-the-wisest man to make the people happy, put that man in office. America needs contentment.