Olympic Rage

Eat it, Chinese! It was a bad idea to host the Olympics, now you rank down with the cheaters and sore losers. Call me racist, but I'm just a victim of competition -- competition on a global scale. Now it deserves a fancier name: nationalism. I see the medal count and whoever is challenging the USA becomes my doomed enemy. I thrive on their loss. My country must win, all other countries must hear our anthem! So much for the peaceful spirit accompanying these games. I'm glued to the tube, waiting for the Chinese to slip up and fail miserably. I rival Michael Phelps for cheerleader status whenever the USA wins. Thankfully that's inevitable.

The Chinese women gymnasts team is despicable! Cheaters, they're all underage! And the judges are cheaters with them. I got a peek at the judges' strategy, it said: "If they have squinty eyes give them bigger numbers than the Americans." At least the judges could have veiled their favoritism like they have in past years. Cheng Fei landed a vault on her knees and still scored higher than Alicia Sacramone. It's a good thing the judges like Chinese gymnasts best, because they will be seeing a lot of them in the afterlife. If I was watching the competition live in Beijing I would have taken it from gymnastics to wrestling. First I would overturn the judges tables. Then I would shove the cheaters off of the stand and return the medals to their rightful owners: America! To finish them off I would unleash Bela Karoliy (Did you know that Bill Costas has to keep him handcuffed inside the NBC studios?)

China hoped that these Olympics would brighten their international prestige, but as of right now I think little of them. And they have funny names too.