Sarah Palin

Why McCain, why? Why did you pick a girl? I would still vote for you, but I don't like the fact that a woman could be president. Men are better leaders than women. I'm not being sexist, I'm using my brain. Both women and men are equal, but they are very different. The Bible says that men are best at leading in government. God created men and women in His image with equal worth but different roles. He created man as the leader, protector, and provider; woman as the helper, life-giver, and nurturer. Both sexes have their specialties, and leading is man's specialty. Women and men are different, it's not being sexist to consider those differences; it's being smart! For instance, you wouldn't put a fast runner as a lineman in football. You would put the fast runners as receivers and you would put the big bulky guys as linemen. Both are necessary for a team, but you have to be smart to put people in the positions that they're good at.

But then again, maybe Sarah Palin is an exception. She's macho conservative and ethical in her politics. It sounds like she has her head on straight, and maybe she could do a better job of leading the country than most men. Now that I'm thinking about it, she's a perfect vice. Women are generally good at helping, giving advice, and being there for people. Sounds like a vice president to me. It was a smart move for McCain too, attracting the voters set on electing a female. I can see him now, standing to give his nomination speech: "Sarah Palin is the Hillary that you always wanted but never knew it."

Although I would rather see a guy VP. Oh well, Sarah Palin sounds pretty legit. Them two are better than Obama and Biden.